

Loyalty, integrity, honesty, a complete refusal to use any underhanded method to help win business or gain any kind of advantage. Neither growth, nor profit nor independence have any real worth unless they are won through complete honesty.


A skill for entrepreneurship, and a desire to take anticipated risks and show his/her commitment, this is the very spirit of competitiveness: firmness in making decisions or in forcing their implementation, an acceptance periodically to challenge one’s orientations and the status quo. Boldness also needs to be combined with a certain level of prudence and a particular clear-sightedness, without which a bold manager is.


The willingness to empower both individuals and teams; to have decisions made as close as possible to the point where they will be put into practice.
Trust also means giving priority, within the company, to real openness toward other people and the widest possible sharing of ideas and information.


Independence in thought, judgment and deeds, and entrepreneurial spirit, creativity. It also means tolerance, respect for others, for different cultures and customs: an essential quality in a company.

Team Spirit

Solidarity, friendship, fidelity, generosity, fairness in sharing the benefits of collective work; and accepting responsibilities and an instinctive willingness to support common efforts when the storm is raging.

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